This is a non-fiction story which I wrote for Sister Writes, a Toronto female creative writing group. 詩人彤雅立的〈烏托邦〉有半句詩句:「荒謬的環境是滋生創作者的溫床,」生命裡曾經出現「高中全科班」這樣一個荒謬的職場,長出一個亦真亦假的故事。
English Writing
Book Review|The World of Yesterday
We are all familiar with the causes and process of how the Habsburg Empire collapsed; however, we might never consider how the World Wars actually effected those personal lives in the era.
加拿大碩士班|Europe in fading
This is about 2019 CERES’ summer internship, and everything happened in this European trip.
Film Review|You Are Not An Orphan
The 1963 Uzbek movie, “You Are not an Orphan”, was inspired by the true story of an Uzbek blacksmith and his wife who adopted 15 orphans and children.
Xinjiang After 9/11|後來的新疆
Here, I won’t talk about Mulan. It’s about 9/11 and the fate of Uyghurs. 在這個世界裡,我們比想像中的還要沈默
June 4th | 六四31年
Today, to remember June 4th 1980 is to remind the world that CCP never changes its nature of the regime. 年復一年,我一次次看到香港維園的燭光,總以為這段歷史會永遠在一個城市永久流傳,然今年維園終究沒能迎來燭光。
Off Xinjiang|寫新疆
How did I get myself into Xinjiang research? 以Off Xinjiang 為名,我記錄了下那些閱讀哈薩克倖存者證詞裡最讓我印象深刻的人事和我自己的情緒變化。用書寫抵抗遺忘,是驅動我開始書寫和研究新疆人權危機(種族滅絕)、以及哈薩克人經驗最原始的動力。